The Polish National Regulatory Authority (UKE) has published its strategic lines of actions for 2017-2021 which outline key areas of the NRA’s activities. UKE's mission is to provide citizens with access to modern telecommunications and postal services in a developing global…
SAVE THE DATE - The Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) will be holding the 9th International Conference on electronic communications and postal services within the digital single market.For more information, click here.
The second edition of the Annual Training will take place between September 2017 and April 2018. The programme combines an intensive residential training held at the European University Institute (EUI) campus in Florence, and a series of e-learning activities.More information is available here.
The 8th FSR Communications and Media Annual Conference will focus on the realisation of the Digital Single Market, the deployment of future-proof infrastructures and the necessary investments to meet the connectivity objectives. A handful of stakeholders representing the European…
The Florence School of Regulation, Communications & Media Area will be holding a two-day seminar on competition and regulation on 24-25 March 2017 in Florence.Among other topiccs, papers on the following subjects will be presented:Mergers, Competition Policy & Antitrust in Infrastructure…
The 9th ANACOM international conference on 'New regulation for a Gigabit Society' organised by the Portuguese regulator will stimulate a debate on the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications, as proposed by the European Commission on 14 September 2016. …
The first Annual Conference of ENTraNCE for Executives (14-15 October, Florence) will gather academics, practitioners, officials from NCAs and representatives of firms to discuss recent developments in US antitrust and EU competition law to assess the degree of convergence and divergence…
The Big Data Study - jointly conducted by the French Autorité de la Concurrence and the German Bundeskartellamt - is the first comprehensive analysis of data-related issues from a competition law perspective. The study provides guidance on how enforcers are likely to look at this…
The Broadband Forum third quarter meeting will take place in Berlin on 25 - 28 July 2016.For more details, please visit the Broadband Forum website.
FSR will hold its annual training 2016/2017 on business models, innovation and regulation of the digital world from 24 October 2016 to 8 April 2016.The training programme has been revised and consolidated to take utmost account of the substantial developments and the new challenges lead by…